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  • Health Of Mom’s Gut is Key Contributor to Autism

    According to new research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine a mother’s microbiome — the collection of microorganisms that naturally live inside us — during pregnancy plays a critical role in determining the risk developing autism-spectrum disorders. (Source) The mother’s microbiome shapes the developing brain in multiple ways. The microbiome is really important to the calibration of how the offspring’s immune system is going to respond to an infection or injury or stress. At Humfeld Chiropractic and Nutrition Center, we have helped many females wanting to get pregnant and start a family. This is done with Nutrition Response Testing and we determine the female’s current state of health when we begin. We use whole food supplements from Standard Process and help the mother make dietary changes as well. If you or friend or family member are thinking of starting a family, please recommend that they call our office at 507-333-5388 to start a Nutrition Response Testing program to help rebuild the health of their gut prior to getting pregnant.

  • Gluten-Free (Dairy Free) Double Chocolate Chip Cupcakes

    Ingredients: 1 ½ cups gluten-free all-purpose flour 1 cup Monkfruit Sweetener 1/2 teaspoon gluten-free baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda ¼ teaspoon salt 2/3 cup cocoa powder ¼ teaspoon xanthan gum, leave out if your flour already has it 1 ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract 2 large eggs, room temperature 1/3 cup butter, melted (for dairy-free use Smart Balance) 1 cup milk (for dairy-free use coconut, almond, or cashew milk) 1/2 cup gluten-free mini chocolate chips (dairy-free options are available) Instructions: Pre-heat oven to 350°F. Use baking cup liners or gluten-free cooking spray for the muffin pan. In a large bowl add all dry ingredients and whisk together to combine. Add the eggs, pure vanilla extract, melted butter, and milk to the dry ingredients. Mix until fully combined. Stir in the chocolate chips. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Allow to completely cool. Use any desired icing or eat plain.

  • Handle Holiday Grief

    Grief is something that affects all of us in one way or another. It could be we are struggling with a loss or someone we know and love could be grieving. Experiencing special events without our loved one can be a challenge. Humfeld Chiropractic and Nutriton Center wants to help you process grief. The subconscious part of the brain remembers our time with them as if it were yesterday. We can experience a smell or fragrance, walk into a location you frequented or see common friends and all those feelings come back to you. Your body doesn’t forget. Unfortunately, grief can have ill effects on us and can take it’s toll. There are physiological symptoms that we’ve never experienced before such as higher blood pressure, digestion issues, pain and stiffness. Headaches, loss of appetite as well as sleep issues and fatigue can also affect those suffering from grief. We can also have emotional aspects of grief that could include anxiety, frustration, sadness, anger and even sometimes guilt. All of the expressions of our grief whether physical or emotional, are normal. But what can we do? Contact us for a consultation. But until then, here are a few suggestions I found from that could help your holidays be a little easier for you or someone you love, when grieving. Have a Plan A/Plan B – Plan A is you go to the Thanksgiving, Christmas Day or Christmas Eve dinner with family and friends. If it doesn’t feel right, have your plan B ready. Plan B may be a movie you both liked or a photo album to look through or a special place you went to together. Many people find that when they have Plan B in place, just knowing it is there is enough. Cancel the Holiday all together. Yes, you can cancel the Holiday. If you are going through the motions and feeling nothing, cancel them. Take a year off. They will come around again. For others, staying involved with the Holidays is a symbol of life continuing. Let the Holiday routine give you a framework during these tough times. Try the Holidays in a new way. Grief has a unique way of giving us the permission to really evaluate what parts of the Holidays you enjoy and what parts you don’t. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to handle the Holidays in grief. You have to decide what is right for you and do it. You have every right to change your mind, even a few times. Friends and family members may not have a clue how to help you through the Holidays and you may not either. It is very natural to feel you may never enjoy the Holidays again. They will certainly never be the same as they were. However, in time, most people are able to find meaning again in the traditions as a new form of the Holiday Spirit grows inside of them. Even without grief, our friends and relatives often think they know how our Holidays should look, what “the family” should and shouldn’t do. Do you have any tips that have helped you or someone you love? We welcome your comments below. This time of year has it’s own challenges and grief can compound them.

  • Sugar – The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

    Misconceptions of sugar alternatives as “diet” foods and beverages. Many people feel that they can take control of their health and lose weight by eliminating refined sugar and switching to artificial. They feel that finding a similar replacement for what they are craving will be the answer. However, more and more studies are showing the side effects of these sweeteners can have severe side effects. As someone who cares about YOUR health, I wanted to make you aware of the most recent findings so that you can make an educated choice. Lets look at some of the most common sweeteners, what they do to the body as well as some potential long-term effects of using them. Aspartame: Side effects include headaches, dizziness, mood variations, vomiting and/or nausea, abdominal pain and cramping, changes in vision, diarrhea, memory loss, and fatigue. Splenda and Sucralose: Gastrointestinal problems, Migraines, Seizures, Dizziness, Blurred vision, Allergic reactions, Blood sugar increases, Weight gain Sugar Alcohols (Sorbitol, Xylitol,Erythritol, Isomalt, Lactitol, Hydrogenated starch hydrolysates, Maltitol, Mannitol): bloating, diarrhea, laxative effect, gastrointestinal distress, fluctuating blood sugar Saccharin: headaches, diarrhea, skin issues and headaches Those who have switched to a “diet” or “sugar free” snacks and beverages often find they are not satisfied with just a bite or even a serving. Studies have shown that this is more than just a craving. In fact, these types of sweeteners do not fill the need the body has and the brain does not distinguish it to be a source of food. Because of that, we continue to crave sweet things, so we eat or drink more. If you would like to read more information about artificial sweeteners please look at the resources below: The Dark Side of Artificial Sweeteners: Expert Reviews Negative Impact The Four Most Dangerous Artificial Sweeteners We are here to help Are you looking to break the sweet habit? Whether it is sugar or sugar substitute, let me help. Through Nutrition Response TestingTM and a Designed Clinical Nutrition Plan we will work together to provide your body with what it needs to balance and support your body functions with complete nutrition. Together we can find ways for you to be satisfied, without compromising your health. Knowledge is power, and the first step to change! We are all different and the way our bodies are affected by sugar and sugar substitutes can all be different. But now, you are armed with this knowledge. We can make informed decisions about the choices we make. Our choices affect our health, our quality of life and our future. The choice is up to you. Call the office to set up a free 15-minute consultation at (507) 333-5388.

  • Who Do You Blame For Your Health?

    To Be or Not To…Healthy…That is the Question. It’s not “because of” your mom, dad, husband, wife, kids, job being too busy, or any other excuse, rationalization or justification you give for not living a healthy lifestyle. At Humfeld Chiropractic, we believe in nutrition first. It’s only about your choice! Choose a better lifestyle that includes healthy nutrition, daily exercise, mindfulness, and Chiropractic. At our office we teach the six essentials of health. The choices you make in six essential areas determine whether you follow a lifestyle that results in permanent good health or one that can lead to distress, illness, depression…an unbalanced system that leads to disease. 1. What you eat. Your diet should consist of approximately 75% fruits and vegetables and 25% everything else. This keeps your body alkaline (its natural state) instead of acidic. It is in this state your body is most able to fight injury and disease. 2. What you drink. Avoid stimulants such as coffee and alcohol. Drink mostly pure water or fruit juices. Reverse osmosis water is recommended. 3. How you exercise. Get 30 minutes of whole body exercise three times a week. Help you body stay flexible. You’ll be surprised at how good it feels and how the tendency to suffer injuries is reduced. 4. How you rest. Good sleep every night (6-8 hours) is essential to your body’s ability to heal and recharge itself. Avoid stimulants and heavy meals before you go to sleep. 5. What and how you breathe. You should breathe from your abdomen, not raising and lowering shoulders with each breath. Clean, smoke-free air is also essential to permanent good health. If you can smell the air you breathe, it is probably not healthy. 6. What you think. Choices in this area are more important than in all the other areas combined! Negative thinking, judgment, indecisiveness, and worry all build up over time and wear your body down. Think about what you think about, and focus on more positive, loving thinking.

  • Cold and Flu Solutions

    The season is upon us and no matter where we go, we will hear the sniffing and coughing to prove it. It affects us all in some way, whether it’s someone we work with, a family member or we are feeling a bit run down ourselves. At Humfeld Chiropractic and Nutrition Center in Faribault, we have cold and flu solutions. A cold usually has symptoms of a runny nose, sore throat, coughing and congestion. The flu (influenza) typically has the same symptoms but also include fever, body aches and headache. As a country this time of year we stock up on tissues, cold medicine, cough drops and make frequent trips to the doctor for a prescription. However there are other alternatives. The food we eat can run our immune system down and then our body is unable to fight. Especially in November and continuing on through the winter months, we see the increase of cold and flu because of the effects of increased sugar intake. We fight it and yet, the sugar feeds the virus and bacteria that we are trying to fight off making our immune system completely overwhelmed. Stress can also run us down making us more susceptible. Years ago, I was teaching a class at the office when a person came into the room while I was teaching to argue over a bill. I was able to get them out of the office quickly and go back to teaching but was still upset over the situation. The next morning I woke up with severe cold-like symptoms. I was congested and could hardly talk. I increased my supplements and added more vegetables to my diet. I understood that this was brought on by stress because I was so upset over what had happened. I realized also that there was a mind/body connection and that night worked though the steps of forgiveness that I use with my patients. The next morning, I woke up feeling much better and made a rapid recovery. Call us at 507-333-5388 with questions. We can talk about the impact our diet and stress have on our immune system.

  • Cilantro Lime Cauliflower Rice

    1 Medium head of cauliflower 2 Tbsp olive oil ½ tsp salt ¼ cup fresh chopped cilantro (20 drops of pure essential oil) ¼ cup fresh squeezed lime juice (32 drops of pure essential oil) Wash and cut the cauliflower head, discarding as much of the stems as possible. Blot dry and place in a food processor until the consistency of rice Over medium heat warm olive oil in a large skillet and add in the cauliflower rice. Season the rice with salt. Sauté cauliflower rice for 5-6 minutes. Add fresh cilantro and lime juice or pure essential oils. Serve warm.

  • Top 10 Gut Destroyers

    Your gut has a direct connection to your brain via the gut-brain axis. If you have an unhealthy microbiome, your mental health will also not be so great. Here are some of the top gut destroyers that you should avoid to help improve the health of your gut. Stress – Your gut is sensitive to emotions. Anger, anxiety, sadness, elation — all of these feelings (and others) can trigger symptoms in the gut which then can affect your gut flora balance. Your brain has a direct effect on your stomach and intestines. For example, just the thought of eating can release your stomach’s juices before food is even put into your mouth. And this connection goes both ways. An unsettled intestine can send signals to the brain, just as an unsettled brain can send signals to the gut. Therefore, a person’s stomach or intestinal trouble can be the cause or the result of anxiety, stress, or depression. That’s because the brain and the gastrointestinal (GI) system are closely connected. Prescription Antibiotics – Antibiotics (means “against life”) broadly destroy all bacteria in the body as a way of eradicating disease. Certainly antibiotics can be lifesavers when used properly and when nothing else will work. Unfortunately, most people who take antibiotics never make any effort afterward to reestablish the good bacteria in their gut. There is now some evidence that the gut never fully recovers after antibiotic use. Dr. According to Martin Blaser of NYU’s Langone Medical Center: “Early evidence from my lab and others hints that, sometimes, our friendly flora never fully recover. These long-term changes to the beneficial bacteria within people’s bodies may even increase our susceptibility to infections and disease. Overuse of antibiotics could be fueling the dramatic increase in conditions such as obesity, type 1 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, allergies, and asthma, which have more than doubled in many populations.” This statement was written in 2011 by Dr. Blaser. Sugar – Bacteria feed on sugar, mainly pathogenic bacteria that are sustaining an unbalanced gut. Yeast does not feed on yeast, it feeds on sugar. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports that the average American consumes between 150 to 170 pounds of refined sugars in one year! It’s no wonder most the gut of most Americans is terribly compromised! GMO Foods – These foods may contain an herbicide called glyphosate that is used in GM crops. Glyphosate has been found to upset intestinal microflora balance and furthering the growth of harmful bacterial strains. This can reduce the immune system, augment infection rates as well as influence mood and behavior. Inflammatory Gluten – Inflammation from wheat is a worry even for people who aren’t specifically sensitive to gluten. Amylase trypsin inhibitors (ATIs) can provoke an inflammatory immune response in the GI tract by stimulating immune cells. This inflammation can lead to intestinal permeability which is a vital factor in the progression of autoimmune diseases. Alcohol – Alcohol abuse can cause dysbiosis which is an unevenness in the gut microbiota. Alcohol can also cause gut permeability known as leaky gut syndrome. However, there is an exception in the case of red wine. There are some opinions that, because it contains polyphenols that support probiotic activity, red wine actually “promotes” gut health. In one study, red wine was found to increase Bifidobacterium and Prevotella. This may have beneficial effects on the gut microbiome by lowering plasma lipopolysaccharides, a type of endotoxin that triggers an immune response. Lack of Exercise – Research has shown improvement in the microbiome after six weeks of exercise. However, the health of the microbiome declines again if exercise has stopped. Smoking – Cigarette smoking is one of the most important environmental risk factors for inflammatory bowel disease, a disease characterized by ongoing inflammation of the digestive tract. Smokers are twice as likely to have Crohn’s disease, a common type of inflammatory bowel disease, compared to non-smokers. In one study, smoking cessation increased gut flora diversity, which is a marker of a healthy gut. Lack of Sleep – Your gut follows a daily rhythm much like the body’s circadian rhythm. Interrupting your body clock by a lack of sleep, shift work or eating late at night may have undesirable effects on your gut bacteria. A 2016 study studied the effects of short-term sleep deprivation on gut flora composition. The study compared the effects of two nights of sleep deprivation (about 4 hours per night) versus two nights of normal sleep duration (8.5 hours) in nine men. Just two days of sleep deprivation caused subtle changes to the gut flora and increased the abundance of bacteria associated with weight gain, obesity, type 2 diabetes and fat metabolism. Overuse of Antibacterial Products – The use of antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers can contribute to the health of your microbiome because it can kill off the good and the bad bacteria. There have also been studies that have linked the use of these products with antibiotic resistance. At Humfeld Chiropractic & Nutrition Center, we help people restore the health of their gut with Nutrition Response Testing and whole food supplements from Standard Process. Please call us at 507-333-5388 to start healing your gut today.

  • Baked Sweet Potato Fries

    Ingredients: 2 sweet potatoes 2 Tbsp Arrowroot Powder (or cornstarch) 3 Tbsp Olive Oil 1/2 tsp Paprika 1/2 tsp Garlic Powder 1/4 tsp Onion Powder 1/4 Chili Powder Salt to taste Directions: Peel sweet potatoes using a vegetable peeler Cut potatoes into 1/4 match sticks and soak in cold water for 45-60 min. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F Remove from water after the allotted time, rinse with cold water, and pat dry with a dish towel Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. In a large mixing bowl, toss potato match sticks in olive oil. After thoroughly coated, toss arrowroot powder and spices. (Do not salt) Place on a lined baking sheet, careful not to allow the potato match sticks to touch. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Turn the fries halfway through baking. Sprinkle with salt and serve immediately with your choice of dipping sauce or eat them plain!

  • Sleep Problems and Solutions

    At one time or another we have all had trouble with sleep, getting to sleep, falling asleep, or even just staying asleep. Sometimes we do find sleep but then wake up feeling as though we could sleep even more. There are actually many reasons sleep can affect us. Humfeld Chiropractic can assist with solutions for sleep problems. Optimally, a number of things are taking place as we sleep and our bodies need a minimum of 7 hours sleep to recover from the activity from the day. Yet in the fast paced world we live in, that can be a challenge. We have children, spouses, and stress. Sometimes just getting to bed at a decent time can be hard. Our mental activity could prove to be a challenge as well. We have anxieties and concerns that sometimes come up during the sleeping hours. Likewise, even good stress can keep us awake. It can be hard to sleep when you are excited! The food we are eating could also have an impact. Did we have too much sugar or too many carbohydrates? Perhaps we had a little extra caffeine too late in the day. Getting a poor nights sleep has side effects that go beyond being tired the next day. It can affect our health in a negative way and in some cases have long-term effects. A person could experience weight gain, food cravings, mood swings, digestive problems and hormonal imbalances. These issues could lead to things as serious as heart disease but can also take a toll on relationships.

  • Digestive Health and You

    With digestive health and you, you may be experience bloating, pain after eating, constipation, diarrhea or heartburn. These are symptoms that are rarely discussed in circles and yet affect the majority of the population. There are many factors that affect your digestive and overall health. One of the things that makes your experience at Humfeld Chiropractic different, is the close attention we give to food journaling. By analyzing what goes into your body we can d etermine where the pitfalls could be and make those changes. If we don’t change what goes into your body, we are unable to change what comes out. In addition, Alcat Testing along with Nutrition Response Testing, can help determine which foods are causing problems for your body. Ingesting foods your body is sensitive to, can cause your digestion to be sensitive. Likewise, learning what those foods are allows us to be selective and take control of our health. Stress also affects the body and it’s digestion and learning how to manage stress can have a dramatic impact. This informative class will help you and those you care about learn more about the digestive system, what has an effect on it and how you can overcome the challenges that come with digestive issues.

  • Mercury Toxicity and It’s Effects on the Body

    Clinical Symptoms of Mercury Toxicity Symptoms Characteristic of Chronic, Low-Dose Exposure Erethism (nervousness, irritability, mood instability, blushing) Tremor Personality change Suicidal tendency Paraesthesia Impaired hearing Speech disorders Visual disturbance Abnormal reflexes Disturbed gait Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) Impaired nerve conduction Renal damage Adverse outcome of pregnancy Infertility Pneumonitis (lung disease) Glioblastoma (brain cancer) Immune system dysfunction Symptoms Characteristic of Acute, High-Dose Exposure Gastroenteritis (stomach upset) Mouth pain Abdominal pain Vomiting Excessive salivation Anuria (urine production stops) Uraemia (urine products appearing in the blood) Nephritis (kidney disease leading to kidney failure) Anorexia (lack of appetite) Ataxia (difficulty in moving) Mercury and Reproductive Health Chronic mercury exposure can seriously impair fertility and outcome of pregnancy. In one study, 45 women dentists and 31 dental nurses were questioned about their reproductive history and hair samples were taken to estimate mercury exposure. A positive association was found between elevated mercury levels and incidence of malformations and aborted pregnancies. Mercury exposure also resulted in menstrual cycle disorders, arising from interference with the part of the brain which controls reproduction (hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis). During pregnancy, mercury passes readily through the placenta; the concentration in cord blood is elevated above the level of the maternal blood. There is therefore a risk to the fetus in chronically-exposed pregnant women, although case studies to date are not conclusive. One case report describes the birth of a severely brain-damaged baby to a woman dentist who was exposed to mercury vapor levels in excess of the TLV during pregnancy. In the most recent report, a Swedish dentist was exposed to mercury vapor during her pregnancy through a leaking amalgamator; the fetus showed mild kidney inflammation but was born clinically healthy. The World Health Organization stated in 1991 that ‘the exposure of women in child-bearing age should be as low as possible’. In men, organic forms of mercury were found to cause hypospermia, a reduction in libido and impotence in some subjects. Evidence of minor genetic damage (aneuploidy) was found, thought to be caused by interference of the metal with thiol groups in the spindle apparatus of dividing cells. More recently, an adverse effect of mercury on sperm motility was reported and another report describes an increased rate of spontaneous abortion in women whose partners were occupationally exposed to mercury vapor. At Humfeld Family Chiropractic, we can see if your body is suffering from heavy metal toxicity using Nutrition Response Testing.

  • Healthy Skin

    Our skin is the largest organ we have and affects the entire outside of our body. Likewise, what happens inside the body has an effect on the outside, especially in our skin appearance. This includes our entire body, not just our face. Many people suffer from common skin challenges such as acne, eczema and other rashes. Unfortunately skin conditions can rob one of their self-esteem and quality of life. Not to mention a source of irritation. Society in general focuses on the surface of the skin. However to truly begin healing the skin, we need to identify what is causing the challenges. Treating or covering it up can have other implications and side effects. For example, one of the most common prescriptions for acne is an antibiotic and yet one of the side effects can lead to back pain. There are many things that affect the skin including: Food Medications Heavy metals Scars (including tattoos) Stress Cosmetics Identifying the cause of the skin irritation will help the problem. Using Nutrition Response Testing ® we can help identify if the skin is irritated from a food or something else. We also work with patients using mind-body techniques like B.E.S.T. (Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique) to identify and begin to alleviate the stress that is affecting them. In addition eating a proper diet and detoxifying our bodies, will then allow our skin to heal and improve. We would love to see you at our Healthy Skin event Tuesday, November 17 at 6 p.m. Join us along with your friend or family member who would like to start seeing an improvement in their skin.

  • Chocolate Pie

    A chocolate pie recipe from Humfeld Chiropractic and Nutrition Center. This is a healthier version of the traditional chocolate pie you may have made for holidays, birthdays or a special treat by using coconut oil and honey. For the crust: ¾ cup unsweetened shredded coconut 2 ¼ cup almond flour 1/3 cup melted coconut oil 1/3 cup honey For the filling: 1 cup coconut cream 1 cup of coconut oil 1/3 cup cocoa powder 1/3 cup honey Directions Preheat oven to 350ºF. Grease 9-inch pan with extra coconut oil. To make the crust, place the almond flour, shredded coconut, coconut oil, and honey in a food processor and pulse until coarse crumbs form. Transfer the dough to the prepared pan and evenly press the dough onto the bottom and up sides of the pan. Cut parchment paper to fit the bottom of the pie crust, use pie weights of dry beans to cover the bottom of the pie crust. Bake until golden and firm, about 15- 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool completely. To make the filling, place all the ingredients in a saucepan and heat over low heat and stir until combined. (Optional: add 3-4 drops of peppermint essential oils) Transfer the mixture into a blender and blend 2-3 minutes on high. Pour the filling into the cooled crust and refrigerate for a minimum of 4 hours. Garnish with almond flakes, coconut flakes, or fresh mint (optional)

  • Sugar – The Sweet Killer

    Sugar is known my many names and it’s lurking in foods where you least expect it. You may already know that sugar doesn’t provide any nutritive value to your body, but did you know that it is causing harm and sabotaging the good things that you are doing to be healthy because it’s altering your body’s internal physiology? What sugar does to your body Because it affects the bio-chemical makeup of your body, sugar makes your body work harder to compensate for the imbalance. The effects can show up in different places and in different ways. Hyperactivity, ADD and ADHD, thyroid and adrenal gland malfunctions, yeast infections, high cholesterol, muscle pain, and depression are all things that can be tied to over consumption of sugar. Sugar speeds up the aging process In addition to impacting internal organs, sugar adheres to collagen in the skin making it more prone to wrinkles. The balance of minerals in the body, such as calcium, can be affected resulting in conditions like osteoporosis. Diabetes is epidemic in our country and it is almost assumed that as we age we are more likely to suffer from it. Processed sugar isn’t the only culprit when high blood sugar needs to be controlled. Many people react to natural sugars in fruit in a similar way. Experiencing post-holiday illnesses? Have you noticed how in the weeks after a sugary holiday, that your family experiences an uptick in colds and flu? The higher sugar concentration lowers the capabilities of your immune system to fight off illness. Certainly weight gain and obesity are tied to sugar consumption, but some people, no matter what their weight is, can find themselves craving sweet things to eat, which is another indication that sugar is negatively impacting health. Where is the sugar? The average American consumes 10 pounds of sugar a month. That’s right each month! You can visualize that amount by thinking about the size of a large bag of sugar that you can buy at the store. Now try to visualize the food that you are eating that contains the sugar. Sweets like cookies, desserts and candy are certainly loaded with sugar, and so are regular soft drinks and but read your food labels and you’ll find it in salad dressings and condiments, bread and crackers, picante and pasta sauce, granola and breakfast cereal, yogurt and protein bars, and more. Read food labels to find sugar Sugar comes from many different sources and has many names. Since over 70% of all packaged foods contain added sugar, it’s a good idea to start reading labels to reveal your true sugar intake. Some common names are sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), dextrose, maltose, cane juice and rice syrup. Other names are barley malt, carob syrup, coconut palm sugar, dextrin and panocha. Honey and fruit juice used as sweeteners can have the same effect on your body as processed sugars. How to get off the sugar high Everyone has their own unique body chemistry so it’s important to first find out exactly which sugars and other foods are compromising your health. Nutrition Response TestingTM is the first step in that process. Then a Designed Clinical Nutrition Plan will work to provide your body with what it needs to balance and support your body functions with complete nutrition. It isn’t easy to kick the sugar habit but once you start taking steps to wean yourself from that 10 pounds of sugar a month, you’ll discover that the change in your body chemistry will positively impact your longevity as well as your day to day lifestyle.

  • Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding

    Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding 1 1/2 c. almond milk (any nut milk will work) 8 TBSP ground chia seeds 2 scoops of SP Chocolate powder (or 2 scoops of Veg-E Pro Complete Chocolate) 1 tsp. organic maple syrup 1 TBSP organic cocoa powder (optional) pinch of salt Blend for about one minute. Then let sit for 5-10 minutes. May eat as is or serve with blueberries and sliced almonds.

  • Improving Daily Performance With Nutrition

    Does your daily performance get a passing score? What grade would you give yourself if you had to score your everyday performance? I’m not talking about crossing a big finish line or reaching milestones here; I’m talking about the way that you are doing the things you need to do each day. We don’t often think about how we’re handling life and its challenges until we get to a point where we feel like we’re spinning our wheels. But if we paid attention to the contribution that nutrition makes to our total wellbeing, the everyday performance score for a lot of people would improve dramatically. Worn out to increased endurance For one of my patients on a Clinical Nutrition Plan, performance benefits were demonstrated in an increase in stamina. Identifying and treating her nutritional imbalances mean that now she literally has added more productive time to her day because she can stay up later each night. Additionally, an annoying dryness in her eyes has been alleviated which has made wearing contacts more comfortable. Brain fog to clear head I recently heard from another patient who reports that she can think more clearly after just three weeks of modifying her eating with a personalized nutrition plan. This has made a daily difference to the quality of her life and her ability to accomplish what she needs and wants to do each day. Bloating and stomach cramps that she had long experienced stopped and she found relief from joint problems. Whole body health with custom nutrition plans Nutrition plays a bigger part in whole body health than many people suspect. Intolerances to foods or food additives as well as potential deficiencies are very individual and need to be treated with the right methods. Nutrition Response TestingSM can get you started on the path to better daily performance and dramatically improve your health and wellbeing. Are you struggling with any of the following conditions? Fatigue, tired all the time Tired even though you just got up Weight gain Inability to lose weight Insomnia Contact Dr. Lisa to schedule a consultation if you are ready to take a positive stride toward better health.

  • The Frightening Pain of Cluster Headaches and Their Root Cause

    Cluster headaches are known for pain that is only on one side of the head and is often felt around, behind, or above the eye and along the temple in cluster-like patterns. The pain associated with cluster headaches is extremely severe and has been described as a drilling sensation. Other symptoms are: Watering or tearing of the eye on the same side as the pain A stuffy or a runny nose Redness in the affected eye Droopy eyelid Sweating on one side of the face Changes in pupil size between the eyes (the affected eye having a smaller pupil) A headache lasting 15 minutes to 3 hours A headache happening up to 8 times a day Sensitivity to light, odors, or sounds Movement does not intensify, but sometimes helps the pain Pain can radiate from along the forehead, into the jaw, along the gum line, and into the teeth Cluster cycles may last for a single day or linger for weeks During an attack, sufferers are unable to sit or lie still. They may rock, pace, and even hit their own head. Screaming and cursing are often seen. Some bang their head on the wall or tie scarves or belts around their head for relief. Obviously, they are not rational or calm during an attack. If an attack happens in public, it is scary to those watching, and they often call 911 or the police. Most of the time the severity of the pain inhibits patients from communicating. This has led people to begin wearing ID bracelets or carrying a card in their wallets to explain what is taking place. Who Is at Risk for Cluster Headaches? Cluster headaches are a very rare condition with only 1 in every 1000 people getting them. However, males are four times more likely to get them than females. Most sufferers are adults but cluster headaches have been seen in children as young as 6 years old. Sadly, because they are so rare, there is limited information available about them. What Causes Cluster Headaches? These headaches remain a mystery among researchers, though many theories abound. MRI studies show the dilation of the ophthalmic artery while a cluster headache is occurring, while PET scans show activity in the cavernous sinus. However, this is true with other headache types, as well. Some research points to the hypothalamus as being involved when cluster headaches hit. In addition, activation of the trigeminal ganglion can create the changes involved with cluster headaches, but it hasn’t been determined what triggers this. What Triggers Cluster Headaches? Alcohol Histamines Nitroglycerin Change of seasons Environmental changes Increased stress or activity levels Smoking Genetics Headaches often begin when one is asleep Diagnosing Cluster Headaches Generally, a patient’s medical history will be considered along with a physical exam. These headaches are unique and are often easily diagnosed because of their presentation. There is no blood or imaging test to confirm or dismiss a diagnosis. However, an MRI or CT scan will often be ordered to make sure there is no other cause for the pain. Also, eye examinations are often required to ensure that the problem does not lie with the eye itself. Traditional Care for Cluster Headaches There are basically two ways to care for cluster headaches: relief of a headache while it is occurring and prevention of future headaches. Pure, high-flow oxygen taken in through a non-rebreather mask has been seen to help. However, many insurance companies refuse to pay for this inexpensive method because doctors do not really understand why cluster headaches happen. Sumatriptan injections can help in some cases, but patients are limited to a few injections per month. This does not coincide with how cluster headaches occur, however. Some preventative medications are useful. Verapamil is commonly prescribed but must be monitored closely because it can cause heart block. Topamax, lithium, and Depakote are also used. Steroids are an option, but there is little evidence to support their effectiveness. Surgery may be an option for a small group of people who are not helped by medication. This can involve deep brain stimulation or occipital nerve stimulation. This is all very confusing and can be frustrating if you are dealing with pain at the time you must make a decision. Many people are leaning toward a more natural, non-invasive approach. The question is does it exist and where can you go for it? Tackling Cluster Headaches Naturally A study was conducted that observed 101 headache patients suffering from a variety of different types of headaches, including cluster headaches. The majority of these patients remember having some sort of injury to their head or neck before the onset of their headaches. They were examined, and it was found that they all had a misalignment in the bones of their upper neck – the C1 and C2 vertebrae. After receiving a specific adjustment for their individual problem, 85 of them had complete resolution of their headaches within one to eight months of upper cervical chiropractic care. The remaining participants saw significant improvement in the severity and frequency of their headaches. We use a similar method to help our patients with cluster headaches. How does this work? The top bones of the neck (C1 or atlas and C2 or axis) are easily misaligned. This can be due to a minor accident or trauma (such as whiplash or tripping and falling). When they misalign, many things can be impacted, such as the brain, the nervous system, and blood flow. We use a gentle method to help realign these bones, allowing the body to heal itself from any damage caused by the misalignment. This has proven to be successful, as in the above study, in helping those with cluster headaches, migraines, and other headache types. To schedule a free 15 minute Upper Cervical consultation call 507-333-5388

  • A Gutsy Look Into Mental Health

    A slightly deeper look into mental health! Some basic human anatomy: Did you know that the average adult has 2-6 pounds of microbes in their gut? Did you know that our microbiota encodes 3.3 million genes which is almost 150 times more than the human genome? Why is this important? Humans, if looked at under a microscope cell for cell, are made up of mostly bacteria. In fact, single-celled organisms, specifically bacteria outweigh our cells at a rate of about 10:1. This is important to understand as we live in an age where antibiotics are regularly prescribed for a multitude of reasons, and often without an understanding of how antibiotics destroy bacteria in the human body – good and bad. Many important metabolic functions in the gut are carried out exclusively by our microbiota. Gut bacteria regulate digestion and metabolism. They extract and make vitamins and other nutrients from food that you eat. They program the body’s immune system. They build and maintain the gut wall, which protects the body from outside invaders. The brain and digestive system are so intricately linked that when we experience stress or emotionally troubling experiences, our digestive system is directly affected. Researchers are discovering that the health of our gut is also intricately linked to how our mood, cognition, memory, and emotions are influenced. Perspective on why so many are unwell: Now, put this into perspective regarding the average American. Increasingly stressful daily lives, poor nutrition, overuse of antibiotics and other drugs, lack of exercise; this is a recipe for serious digestive health issues. Is it any surprise that we have a growing population of people with emotional health disorders, and serious digestive health disorders? The good news! Many nutritionists, doctors, natural health practitioners are seeing amazing changes in the mental health of their patients by changing diet and incorporating digestive support like enzymes and probiotics. This is a direct result of healing the gut microbiome. Finding out the state of your gut health and how to heal it is pretty simple, and non-invasive, by having muscle testing and/or ALCAT done in-office. To find out more, visit our web page for information on ALCAT and Nutrition Response Testing, or for resources and general information about all that we do at Humfeld Chiropractic & Nutrition Center try visiting: How is your gut and mental health?

  • Digestive Health

    Learn how Nutrition Response Testing can improve your digestive health! Bloating Discomfort After Eating Constipation Diarrhea Heartburn Diverticulitis Irritable Bowel Syndrome Fatigue These are symptoms that are rarely discussed openly in society, yet affect much of the population. There are many factors that impact your digestive health. Pinpointing these without specific testing and monitoring can be confusing. With the multitude of information available regarding health and nutrition, we could assume that staying healthy is a simple daily task. But it’s not. Without proper analysis of how your body and nervous system are operating, it’s difficult to know exactly how to tailor your diet and supplemental needs, especially for anyone dealing with chronic digestive issues. Here at Humfeld Chiropractic & Nutrition Center we take into account all aspects of your life in order to fully understand and assist each person in a way that best suits their individual needs. Whether using nutrition, chiropractic, or both, I am here to help you on your way to better health and greater comfort! One of the things that makes your experience with us unique is the close attention we give to food journaling. By analyzing this information, along with specific testing, we can begin to determine how to modify your diet, and further support your health with quality supplements. If we don’t change what goes into your body, we are unable to change what comes out and how you will feel day to day. Because we live in a world where the exposure to different kinds of stress on our overall health is great, we should discuss other factors in what may be influencing our digestive system. Stress has great influence on the body and especially its digestion. Here we have the ability to look into the nervous system to see how it is functioning, either in a positive or negative manner. Depending on what we find, chiropractic adjustments along with dietary changes, may be another tool in managing stress in order to improve digestive, and overall health. If you or someone you care about is struggling with these issues, or is looking to improve their overall health in a safe and natural manner, please call our office today to schedule a 15-minute consultation with Dr. Lisa. Humfeld Chiropractic & Nutrition Center (507)333-5388

  • ALCAT testing reveals issues that traditional medicine doesn’t recognize

    You would think that a nurse who worked in the Gastrointestinal Department of a major hospital would be able to find the answer to ongoing intestinal distress, but that didn’t happen for Camryn*. A full GI workup couldn’t identify the solution for her pain, bloating and extreme weight gain that kept her awake at night and caused her so much suffering that she just didn’t know what to do. It wasn’t until she heard about the ALCAT blood test for food sensitivities through a friend. Her research led her to nutrition practitioner, Dr. Lisa Humfeld-Wilson, and she was finally able to turn a corner and get her life back. Camryn was convinced that the issues she was experiencing had to do with her diet so she started searching the internet for methods of testing that would uncover possible food sensitivities. She discovered ALCAT, a test that measures nutrition at the cellular level. The test is administered in a lab with a blood sample. It identifies food intolerances and sensitivities by challenging the white blood cells with food substances in addition to additives, colorings, chemicals, medicinal herbs, molds and drug compounds. Identifying the substances that were compromising her health was just the first step. Camryn wanted to work with Dr. Lisa to make sure that she was giving her body the nutrition it needed while excluding the substances that were wreaking havoc with her gut. Dr. Lisa used Nutritional Response TestingTM to fine tune Camryn’s acceptable food choices and identify the whole food supplements needed to provide complete nutrition. It has been seven months since Camryn started down the road to better health with her Designed Clinical Nutrition plan and guidance from Dr. Lisa. There have been a few bumps along the way. As often happens, the recovery process uncovers additional issues such as external scars or secondary food sensitivities that need to be addressed. Keeping a regular appointment schedule with Dr. Lisa so that the nutrition plan can be tweaked has prevented these things from becoming permanent roadblocks. Losing weight has been the most visible sign of Camryn’s improvement in health. She has gone from a size 14 to a size 9, and she feels amazing. “It’s just been the best thing I’ve ever done for myself,” she says. “I feel like I really have invested in my health and it’s been life changing how I feel.” Camryn doesn’t talk too much about her experience with her GI Department colleagues unless someone asks her why she looks and feels so good. “People have to be ready to listen,” she says. She thinks that there is going to have to be a paradigm shift before the traditional medical community and the patients they treat, recognize the impact of food and chemicals in the body. Until then, she tells her story whenever she can and she’s thankful that she has her life back. *Names are changed to protect patient confidentiality

  • Type 3 Diabetes

    Type 3 diabetes is not a term we often hear. Most often when talking about diabetes we refer to Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational Diabetes. More recently in the medical world, there was a discovery linking type 2 diabetes to Alzheimer’s disease. The brain cells become insulin resistant causing them to die which affects the brain’s ability to remember. Often those with Type 2 diabetes are unaware of their medical condition and it will go undiagnosed. However, the delay in diagnosis can cause irreversible damage to the brain and other essential organs. Over time, untreated Type 2 diabetes can cause damage to the blood vessels, including those in the brain. High blood sugars can lead to damage of brain cells from inflammation and chemical imbalances. Diabetes is considered a risk factor for vascular dementia, which is a warning sign and can lead to Alzheimer’s disease. So far a study conducted in 2016, shows that individuals with Type 2 diabetes are 60 percent more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease, type 3 diabetes. A diagnosis of type 3 diabetes can be made through neurological examination, medical history, and neurophysiological testing. Symptoms to look for are decreased ability to make judgments based on information, difficulty completing familiar tasks, memory loss that affects daily living and social interactions, misplacing things often, and sudden changes in personality or demeanor. The best way to treat and prevent type 2 diabetes, and hopefully prevent it from developing into type 3 diabetes, is through lifestyle changes, including diet choices and exercise. A diet low in fat and sodium, but high in vegetables and lean meats is the best for someone who is diagnosed with both diabetes and pre-diabetes. Changing your diet and dropping 5-7% of body mass with help stop organ damage caused by high blood sugars and will hopefully stop the progression of Type 2 or Type 3 diabetes. Click the links below to read about both dangers of sugar in the diet and how Dr. Lisa can help you through Nutrition Response Testing.

  • Paleo Thanksgiving Dressing

    Healthy Holiday Option With many holidays coming up over the next several weeks it can be a challenge for some to make healthy choices when it comes to the food that is before us. We know that making a good choice will keep us on the path to healthy living we have set. Eating well also allows us to feel good and fight the stresses that come with the season. But what about this week? Are you hosting? Have you been assigned a family favorite? How about choosing a different recipe that creates a healthy and tasty option. The Internet provides a variety of options to choose from and I personally love collecting them in one place, Pinterest. Here is an option for dressing that I hope to try from the Fitness and Feta blog Paleo Thanksgiving Dressing Ingredients 5 lb ground Italian pork sausage 4 pieces of bacon, diced 4 stalks of celery, diced 2 sweet potatoes, diced 1 yellow onion, diced 2 portabella mushrooms, diced 1 apple, peeled and diced 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar 1 cup dried cranberries 1 cup pecans or walnuts, chopped 2 eggs, beaten ? cup chicken broth Directions Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Cover a baking sheet with foil, throw diced sweet potatoes on it, sprinkle with olive oil and salt and pepper. Bake for about 15-20 minutes or until sweet potatoes are tender, then set aside. While those cook, pull out a large skillet, place it under medium-high heat and place chopped bacon in it to begin to cook down. When some of the fat has seeped out and bacon has begun to cook, add your chopped apples, celery, and onions. When onions begin to become translucent, add ground pork and mushrooms and your white wine vinegar. Let that cook down until pork is almost completely cooked through. You will be placing it in the oven so you want it pretty close to done. Add salt and pepper to taste. Once the sausage is all done, add mixture to a bowl to cool. Now beat your eggs, add to your sausage mixture, and add your chicken broth, along with your sweet potatoes, nuts, and dried cranberries. Mix well. You can now either use a 9×13 baking dish to place your stuffing in OR place on a foil-lined baking sheet. Either way will work. Bake at 375 degrees for about 15-20 minutes or until everything is a bit browned. For more great recipe ideas for family favorites, check out my Pinterest boards! Do you have a favorite recipe you would like to share? Please share!

  • Chiropractic Care for Children

    According to the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, parents of children who receive chiropractic adjustments have reported the following unexpected improvements: Improved sleeping Improved behavior and attitude Improved immune system function In addition, we have seen great success in improving focus, attention disorders, performance at school, athletic performance, less illness during flu season, and much more. Each treatment program is designed specifically to your child’s individual needs and comfort level. It begins at birth Being born is a lot of work. With all of the pressures and forces being exerted onto the baby’s body, it makes sense that 90% of newborns suffer associated strain through the neck and cranial areas following birth. When left uncorrected, this can impact your child’s spinal growth and development, and overall reducing the healthy function of their nervous system. Later on this can cause many health challenges that could have easily been prevented with regular chiropractic care. Toddler Years During the toddler years children are constantly running into things, falling, and getting hurt. Having regular chiropractic adjustments will help alleviate the stress that is put on the child’s body and nervous system and help the body deal with illness and stress more efficiently. School-age and Teenage Years In these years, children are generally more coordinated. Some are very active whereas some are very sedentary. Whether they are in organized sports, active in outside play, or are more sedentary, they will benefit from regular adjustments in order to keep the nervous system working at its full potential. Having little to no disruptions in the nervous system allows their body and brains to function at their full potential. Increased focus and performance in social, physical, emotional, and academic arenas is what we see in regularly adjusted children of all ages. A little background on the upper cervical spine and care The upper cervical region (neck) has thousands of “sensors” that are responsible for maintaining both the proper posture and alignment of the spine, as well as the balance and stability of the head. These sensors are constantly monitoring the head position, making the necessary changes throughout the lower spine to assure that the head remains upright. When the spine is properly aligned, it is extremely strong and stable. However, the top two segments are extremely vulnerable to injury or misalignment because of their mobility. When a misalignment occurs at the top of the neck, the entire spine compensates or adapts in an attempt to protect the vital nervous system that is encased inside your vertebrae. This triggers a chain reaction from the top of the spine to the bottom. When the head is off balance, the lower spine is compromised; the pelvis is tilted, or one leg may be drawn up or shortened, resulting in an internal weakness and a spine that is imbalanced. This chain reaction also makes the spinal muscles, bones, and discs more vulnerable to injury – an accident waiting to happen. If neglected, an upper cervical misalignment can lead to premature arthritis and irreversible spinal degeneration. Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care is a technique used by some chiropractors, where the adjustment is strictly done at the very top part of the neck. For children this method is done with very precise and gentle care, sometimes using what is called an activator where no manual manipulation is performed. To learn more about what we do at Humfeld Chiropractic & Nutrition Center and to schedule a free 15-minute consultation, call or stop into our office. 119 Central Ave. Faribault, MN 55021 (507) 333-5388

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