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Women's Health

Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You see the color pink on many items that contribute to breast cancer research as well as the...

Ionic Foot Bath Detox
What is it? The Ionic Cleanse Detox machine is a high-tech water detoxification system that facilitates the body’s ability to heal...

Health Of Mom’s Gut is Key Contributor to Autism
According to new research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine a mother’s microbiome — the collection of microorganisms...

Women’s Health
How many of you women have, or know of another woman who has serious health concerns but just cannot seem to get to the root of the...

Natural (Whole Food) versus Synthetic Supplements
While many consumers know there is a difference between synthetic and natural vitamins, many do not know what the difference is. This...

The Benefits of Electrolytes and Staying Hydrated
Drinking water should be a vital part of your daily routine. Our bodies are 60% water and we can easily lose water content. Staying...

What is Diverticular Disease and What Causes It?
Diverticular disease occurs when pouches (diverticula) in the intestine, usually the large intestine/colon, become inflamed or get...

Secrets of Longevity of the Blue Zone People
n Dan Buettner’s book, The Blue Zones, he identified five places in the world where people lived to be 100 at ten times the average rate....

8 Habits for Optimal Breast Health
You may not know this but, you have more control over your breast cancer risk than you think, even if you have a family history of it. ...

Chinese Organ Clock
Traditional Chinese Organ Body Clock In Traditional Chinese Medicine it is believed that each organ has its point of the highest energy...

Benefits of Thermography
Thermography is also known as Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI). It is a 15 minute non invasive test of physiology. It is a...

Seed Cycling
Seed cycling or cycle syncing is when you eat certain types of seeds at different times of your menstrual cycle to help support the...
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