Many have said you are what you eat. So if I eat junk food, I will feel junky or sluggish, having little to no energy to make it through an entire workweek or even one day? And if I chose to eat a healthy diet, I will have the energy to meet the world's challenges for the week, and work a full day? If this is true, and the saying has been proven in research, then we can push energetic and emotional feelings to the next level.
Something just happened at a work meeting and the staff felt the weight of the world on their shoulders. The workload just doubled, and there was no time scheduled into the work week to meet the new demand. The staff had limited breaks to begin with, and the required duty for regular days just increased. For some, this can feel like the heavy weight of work will have no light feeling at the end of the day or week. The individual shoulders will feel the heavy burden of job performance, and emotional drain. Some may feel the strain in their necks or back, or in the form of headaches. This type of emotion is draining and painful. When the pain is not alleviated, it begins to change the emotional reflection or feeling towards work.
The positive feelings towards work have high returns in productivity and social activity in the work environment. Most people are engaged and get their work done with proficiency, sharing and exchanging ideas, and service delivery is excellent. The tables tend to turn when the work demands change and become heavier or intensified. A negative emotion or feeling surrounds the work space and the social activity and networking turn against efficiently working together as a unit.
Negative emotions lead to sad and depressed feelings. And attitudes change from positive to bleak outlooks. There is little to no change in health when individuals are surrounded by sadness and depressed emotions. Ironically this can lead to physiological changes in the body by zapping all the energy that keeps a healthy immune system invigorated to a listless, immune-deficient vessel. Sickness and unhealthy habits form and the survival of making it through a day of work much less a week, becomes trivial, and unmet.
The individuals feeling emotional pain or a heavy weight on their shoulders and wanting to lighten their load could use some different therapies or find ways to feel happy. The 5 Steps of Forgiveness help with this. A nutritional check to find which foods benefit you and which make you feel sick is a great idea. Possibly starting an easy workout using the BFR B3 Bands can help increase the energy. Any of these ideas can be found at the Humfeld Chiropractic and Nutrition Center. When an individual begins to work positively with their body, good emotions reflect the demeanor and a positive attitude. A positive attitude keeps an individual active, using brain cells and social engagement to get through the work day and week leaving a feeling of accomplishment.
Can a positive attitude lead to a strong and healthy immune system? Physiologically speaking you can answer this after reading this blog. Have fun and be healthy!